AngieSauci c Teach & Learn in Spain Program Coordinator.
She is a professor and coordinator at the Teach & Learn in Spain Program at Instituto Franklin- UAH. She has been involved in Education for over 20 years and has lead educational change in numerous international schools.
Her experience includes working with The English National Curriculum for England and Wales, Scottish Curriculum, High Scope Early Childhood Curriculum and Spanish Curriculum. Besides that, she is a teacher trainer and has a wide experience in teaching English as a foreign language to children.


Grace McClintic c

Geography and History teacher in 9th and 10th grades in Jerez de la Frontera.
I have also taught social sciences, Spanish and economics.


AlanSmyth c Profesor de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.


FilipaSoares c Filipa Soares Embajada de Portugal en Madrid.


ArsenioSotoSoto c Profesor asociado en la Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Murcia.


BirgitStrotmann c

Doctora por la Universidad de Colonia (Universität zu Köln, Alemania), y homologada en España, tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza universitaria de la comunicación intercultural, la educación bilingüe, la didáctica de la lengua extranjera, así como de las lenguas y culturas alemana, inglesa y española. Su experiencia laboral incluye docencia en distintas universidades alemanas y españolas. Actualmente es profesora de Comunicación en la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Sus intereses investigativos se centran en el área de metodología CLIL, observación formativa, interculturalidad y aprendizaje en formatos híbridos. Desde 1996 es miembro de la Junta Directiva de TESOL-SPAIN, asociación nacional de profesores de inglés en España.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8869-2341
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ElenaSuarezNuñez c

Maestra Interina de Educación Primaria (Junta de Extremadura) y Doctorando (Universidad de Extremadura).

Máster Universitario de Investigación en Lenguas Modernas por la Universidad de Extremadura. Especialidades de Música e Inglés dentro de la etapa de Educación Primaria. Maestra de Educación Infantil y Técnico Superior de Educación Infantil. Actualmente trabajando como maestra de Portugués.

Publicación de un artículo en una revista de investigación en educación y varias publicaciones en libros de actas.
Correctora para una revista científica.

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Josefina Tinajero c Currently a Professor of Bilingual Education, immediate past Dean of the College of Education at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), and current Special Advisor to the Vice President for Research, has dedicated her entire professional career to enhancing educational opportunities for Spanish-speaking students in the United States. She is a leading scholar, author and an advocate on issues of equity and excellence for culturally and linguistically diverse children and families. Her rich experience and knowledge about effective educational reform and the roles of culture and language in school achievement have been key vehicles for affecting positive change in school districts across the U.S. and in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Her extensive publication record includes a focus on literacy and biliteracy for Spanish speaking children, school-university partnerships, and school-community collaboration with a focus on linguistically and culturally diverse populations. She has pioneered the development of instructional materials for Spanish speaking students in the U.S. As an author for Macmillan-McGraw-Hill, Mc-Graw Hil, Hampton-Brown and National Geographic Publishing Companies, she has developed instructional materials featuring authentic literature from well-known authors of Spanish children’s literature used by school districts throughout the United States.