2023 NABE AATSP FullFlyer es 50 1

 Madrid, junio de 2023.

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la octava sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2022/2023.

Jueves 15 de junio de 2023, a las 18:00 horas

Dª. SABRINA GALLEGO VERDI – Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa

"Creating Independent Readers in English: Helping Teachers to Design Reading-Centered Learning Stations"

Teaching elementary students reading skills to become independent readers in English is challenging. In today's session, we will explore reading teaching approaches to guide our learners in mastering their reading abilities. We will review different reading strategies, teaching resources, reading activities, and learning evidence-tracking tools. Moreover, the session will be based on a collaborative, hands-on, and digital methodology, taking into account the curricular elements of the current legal framework and focusing on a reading-centered station approach.


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Madrid, mayo de 2023.

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe inicia la tercera edición del estudio “LA ENSEÑANZA BILINGÜE EN ESPAÑA. Datos para el análisis 2023”.

Para ello, te adjuntamos un cuestionario, dirigido a maestros y profesores de enseñanza secundaria que impartan docencia en centros bilingües.

Te agradeceremos que lo rellenes y le des la máxima difusión entre compañeros de ambas etapas educativas.

Como el cuestionario es anónimo, por favor, asegúrate de que solamente lo reciben docentes. El plazo para completarlo termina el viernes 9 de junio.





 Madrid, mayo de 2023.

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la séptima sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2022/2023.

Jueves 18 de mayo de 2023, a las 18:00 horas

 Dª. JUDITH DADEY - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

"Poetry and CLIL"

 Poetry, as a literary genre, tends to be noticeably absent in the language learning classroom due to the notion t that it is not as easy to work with as narrative texts or drama. However, nursery rhymes, either in the form of chants or songs, have always been at the fore in the pre-school years, as well as the during the primary education stage when young learners are learning to communicate. Can poetry be included in the classroom to cover all the 4 C’s of CLIL? Is it useful when it comes to cross-curricular teaching? Today’s session looks at the role of poetry and some of its possibilities within the integrated approach to language acquisition in the bilingual classroom.


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 Madrid, marzo de 2023.

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la quinta sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2022/2023.

Jueves 16 de marzo de 2023, a las 18:00 horas

 Dra. VIRGINIA VINUESA BENÍTEZ  - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

"Shedding light on what CLIL is and on what CLIL is not"

 A common misconception is that CLIL is simply a matter of changing the language of instruction, but as an integrated approach, there are many things we must take into consideration. CLIL is about enabling students to reach deep learning of the content areas through the additional language. We must be very clear about the concepts and skills we want to develop in our students and be able to analyse the language that is needed, because there is no content without language and there is no language without content.

In this talk we will see what CLIL is not, and what CLIL is and how the integration of the core elements of CLIL must work together.


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